Open Letter

Statement from the CMA, CNA, CFNU: Attacks, abuse of health workers must not be tolerated

The reprehensible assault of health workers in Halifax last week is a harsh reminder of the dangers health professionals across Canada face while trying to provide quality care to patients.

This latest example may be an extreme case, but the sad reality is that doctors, nurses and other health workers are subject to verbal and physical abuse on a daily basis. The results from the Canadian Medical Association’s (CMA) 2021 National Physician Health Survey found that eight in 10 physicians have experienced intimidation, bullying and/or harassment in the workplace at some point in their careers. Four in 10 reported that these experiences happen “frequently” or “often,” with women significantly more likely to say they happen at least once a week.

A recent national review of workplace violence reports highlighted that incidents against nurses have become more severe and frequent in recent years, often resulting in physical and psychological harm. Legally, workplace violence is classified as both a health and safety issue and a criminal offense in Canada. In Alberta, reports of violent incidents in health-care settings surged by 37 per cent between 2019 and 2021.

We also acknowledge that toxic online behaviour increasingly manifests in real life. With influential figures normalizing the use of threats and bullying, it is unsurprising that these behaviours are being echoed in health-care settings. But hospitals, medical clinics and other health care facilities simply can’t tolerate this – people’s health and lives are at stake.

In 2021, the federal government responded to calls for help from the CMA, the Canadian Nurses’ Association (CNA) and the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) with legislation that made it illegal to use threats and bullying to stop a health worker from providing care to patients. It also prohibits actions that would prevent a person from obtaining health services or accessing health facilities.

We urge the public to respect these laws and call on public safety and law enforcement officials to continue their vigilance in enforcing them.

Our thoughts are with the victims of the senseless assaults in Halifax and their families.

Dr. Joss Reimer, President, CMA

Dr. Kimberly LeBlanc, President, CNA

Linda Silas, President, CFNU


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