Pamela Fuselli


Pamela Fuselli, MScBio is President & CEO at Parachute, Canada’s national charity dedicated to preventable injuries with more than 20 years in the health care and injury prevention field. Her work has focused on influencing public policy and harnessing the strength of those seeking similar outcomes to achieve social change.

2 Contributions
by Pamela Fuselli Emily McCullogh Alison Macpherson

Lives are at stake: Why is injury prevention an underfunded public health concern?

If we are truly invested in improving the health and wellness of Canadians, we must dedicate more public health resources to preventing injury instead of responding to it after the fact.

by Pamela Fuselli

Has the pandemic taught us the value of prevention?

Has the pandemic, which showed us the importance of preventive measures like social distancing, taught us a larger lesson about the importance of preventing injuries that cut lives too short and cost us too much?

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