Four for four: Candidates for CMA president on the move toward patient-centred health care
Four for four: Candidates for CMA president on physician burnout
Four for four: Candidates for CMA president on parents who don’t want to immunize their children
Federal health spending without accountability

The 2004 Health Accord agreed to a total transfer of $41 billion of federal money to the provinces and territories for health care over a ten year period. This transfer ends in 2014 when the accord expires. The legacy of the Health Accord is mixed. There have been improvements in wait times for some operations …
What is the federal government’s role in health care?

Polls suggest that health care is the most important issue to Canadians in the upcoming federal election. However, in Canada, health care delivery is largely the responsibility of the provinces and territories. The 2004 Health Accord invested $41 billion of federal dollars in health. What were the outcomes of this federal investment in health? History …
Debate on paying doctors

The Centre for Innovation in Complex Care hosted a debate on April 8, 2011 focused on the resolution that “the single most important step in improving hospital quality is having physicians paid and employed by hospitals.” covered this issue on April 6, with a story on How Hospital Doctors Be Paid? At the debate, …