
The challenges of improving hospital food

The saying “you are what you eat” has taken on more meaning in Canadian society, with growing interest in the quality, origins and farming practices of the food we eat. For some hospitals, this phrase is “you are what you serve” with food service being increasingly scrutinized, and there are many Ontario hospitals with efforts

Head first: birth centres in Ontario

Integrated Maternity Care

Ontario recently announced funding for two birth centres that will be led by midwives. The government has indicated it is opening birth centres partly to move care out of hospitals and save money. Although birth centres are probably safe and may improve maternity care, it is less clear whether Ontario’s birth centres will indeed reduce

Ontario hospital funding: confusion for 2012/2013?

The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care is changing the way it funds hospitals for the upcoming fiscal year, which starts on April 1. The new funding formula is intended to improve efficiency. However, many hospitals are unprepared for the change. We spoke with hospital executives and other experts to better understand what is

How does Canadian health care compare?

A recent report describes how Canada’s healthcare system performs compared to 13 other countries.  Canada ranked at the bottom in access to care and use of electronic health records, and in the middle regarding costs and health outcomes. Thirty-eight percent of Canadians felt the system works well, 51% thought it needs fundamental change, and 10% believed

Who controls how patient information is shared in Ontario?

Privacy of Medical Records in Ontario

Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner recently ordered Cancer Care Ontario to stop sending paper copies of screening reports containing personal health information to physicians.   However, a massive amount of personal health information is mailed or faxed every day in Ontario.  The implications of this order to information sharing and transfer across the health care

Interpreting randomized trial evidence around mammography

Interpreting Randomized Trial Evidence on Mammography

The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care recently released recommendations about screening for breast cancer.  These recommendations have been criticized by some because they emphasize the results of randomized trials.  This article explores the advantages and limitations of randomized trial evidence regarding screening mammography.  The recent recommendations by the Canadian Task Force on Preventive

The role of nurses in Ontario’s colon cancer screening program

Colon cancer screening is more effective than breast cancer screening, but uptake in Ontario is still low. Screening more individuals each year would prevent many needless deaths. Nurses can safely and effectively screen patients for colon cancer. Despite this, efforts to increase the number of screening procedures performed by nurses in Ontario are not widespread. 

Debate on paying doctors

The Centre for Innovation in Complex Care hosted a debate on April 8, 2011 focused on the resolution that  “the single most important step in improving hospital quality is having physicians paid and employed by hospitals.” covered this issue on April 6, with a story on How Hospital Doctors Be Paid?  At the debate,

Should patients have better access to their medical records?

Should Patients Have Better Access to Their Medical Records?

Patients are increasingly interested in reading the information in their own medical records. Canadian laws and existing technologies support this in principle. However, most patients are not yet easily able to access their medical records in practice. Canadians today have easy access to a range of systems that store their personal information. The difference between

Direct-to-consumer genetic testing comes to Canada

Genetic profiles are being offered directly to consumers online for relatively reasonable sums of money. These websites are not yet widely known to Canadian consumers.  Doctors and the public need to be educated to better understand what the results of these tests mean.  E-commerce has exploded over the past decade, and now you can buy

What is Healthy Debate?

Healthy Debate

Our health and the health of our loved ones is more important to us than almost anything else. We all have stories about how our health care system has provided excellent care, and how it has let us down. Despite the personal and societal importance of health care, it is our belief that many Canadians