As the avian flu outbreak continues to evolve, it is critical for us to continue monitoring, testing and surveillance, especially as cuts are made to funding and research is gagged south of the border.
No public-health measure has resulted in as much controversy as face coverings. For a universal masking requirement in health-care settings to be acceptable, decision-makers must situate it within the context of public-health ethics to determine whether these mandates are justified.
We now have extensive evidence that shows COVID-19 vaccinations in pregnancy are safe and boosters are beneficial when given at any time during the pregnancy. We have in our arsenal an intervention that has the potential to make a meaningful impact on maternal and infant health. So what are we waiting for?
The only absolute in science is that there are no absolutes. Throughout the pandemic, recommendations have changed based on new data. For the public, this may come across as flip-flopping, but in actuality, it is simply that we are making the best decisions possible in the current context.
Global vaccine inequity is not just wrong, but also dangerous. As Omicron is showing us, we aren’t safe until we’re all safe. Here's how Canada can contribute to global vaccine equity now.
COVID-19 has laid bare racial disparities in health. Three medical professionals talk about the structural racism in health care they have seen during the pandemic – and what needs to be done to address it.
If high-risk people in high-risk areas are eagerly waiting to be vaccinated and there are empty slots at vaccine sites across the province, what are we waiting for?