Wilson Kwong


Wilson Kwong is an Internal Medicine and Palliative Care specialist in Toronto and a passionate cinephile in his spare time.

12 Contributions
by Wilson Kwong

The director of 76 Days discusses harrowing early days in Wuhan

Harking back to a time when Wuhan was the epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic, 76 Days provides a fly-on-the-wall view of the city’s initial response to the coronavirus.

by Wilson Kwong

Derrick – X-ray Technologist

by Wilson Kwong

SarahRose – Music Therapist

by Kieran Quinn Emily Hughes Grace Zhao Wilson Kwong Daniel Marinescu Sheliza Halani Emilio Flores Garcia

The Grand Finale of The Rounds Table

by Andreas Laupacis


by Wilson Kwong

Saudi trainee

by Wilson Kwong Francine Buchanan Christine Miskonoodinkwe Smith

Why do people have to wait 12 years for an ethnic nursing home?

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