
The Longevity Economy: Housing policies for an aging population

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  • Catherine Brookman says:

    Enjoyed the read – Thank you so much. Catherine

  • Jean Sugarbroad says:

    In the early 90’s the Bob Rae government in Ontario supported new Senior Housing projects in partnership with large developers. Half the units of these buildings were market rent, half were subsidised by the Gov. and means-tested.
    Toronto now appears, with Covid, to have a possible glut of new apartments, with many units small in size and perfect for seniors. Can the Ontario Premier and Mr. Tory work together with these developers to rapidly increase much needed senior housing?? It took the President of the Seniors Coalition in 1991 (full disclosure – my father) to forge this joint plan with Bob Rae. Can this be the time to do the same? John Tory found housing for the homeless in their time of need – let’s hope seniors are not far behind.

  • Kevin Donald Willison, PhD - Public Health Sciences says:

    The spectrum of health and social care needs required by the aged and others, who have experienced health independence to dependence (frailty) require an integrative health care approach. Such an approach has the potential to be facilitated by the aide of technology combined with new ways of thinking and doing. But there must be a political will and accompanying financial backing to support innovative and practical policy development and implementation. Both the health and social sciences must work together to help make this change occur. The general public also have a vital role to help evoke this. Overall, no one group or entity such as a government can do this alone – it must entirely be a collective effort.

  • Cathy Crowe says:

    Well, I love to read about housing so thanks. The primary roadblock is we don’t have a national housing program in Canada (just a strategy). Prior to the cancellation of our national program we built 20,000 units a year of affordable housing and some of it was for seniors. We are now in a deficit of 340,000 units.


Larry W. Chambers


In addition to being a science advisor to the Alzheimer Society of Canada, Larry W. Chambers is Director, Research and Scholarship of the Niagara Regional Campus, Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine, McMaster University, and maintains appointments at Bruyere Research Institute; Faculty of Health, York University; and ICES.

Hanna Levy


Hanna Levy is a medical student at the Niagara Regional Campus of the McMaster University, School of Medicine.

Eva Liu



Eva Liu is a medical students at the Niagara Regional Campus of the McMaster University, School of Medicine.

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