
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart: Romosozumab for Osteoporosis and Early Palliative Care in Heart Failure

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This week on The Rounds Table we’re covering important studies on two very common diseases: osteoporosis and heart failure. Kieran and Laura break it down for listeners.

Osteoporosis affects women worldwide, and will become more common because of our aging population. Although several pharmacologic treatments exist to treat the disease, few head to head studies comparing their effectiveness have been undertaken. Laura guides listeners through a recent study comparing osteoporosis treatment with romosozumab followed by alendronate compared with alendronate alone.

Next, Kieran covers a study examining the effect of palliative care on quality of life in patients with heart failure. We know how common heart failure is worldwide, and many are aware of the significant mortality and costs associated with the disease. But people don’t often think about the fact that heart failure progression is a frightening experience for patients with both physical and psychological impact. Patients with heart failure often experience depression, poor quality of life, and spiritual distress. Perhaps early involvement of palliative care is the answer to improved quality of life for these patients.

Finally, the Good Stuff segment. Laura covers an article looking at how virtual reality is revolutionizing the way future doctors are learning about their bodies. Kieran shares an article on food banks turning away donations of junk food.

Like what you hear? Rate us on iTunes! Chat with us on Twitter @roundstable and tweet at Kieran @kieranlquinn and Laura @l_walk5

The Papers

1. Osteoporosis Treatment: http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1708322

2. PAL-HF Trial: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28705314

Good Stuff

1. Virtual Awesome: https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2017/09/408301/how-vr-revolutionizing-way-future-doctors-are-learning-about-our-bodies

2. Trimming the Fat: http://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2017/09/18/551796954/one-of-americas-biggest-food-banks-just-cut-junk-food-by-84-percent-in-a-year

Music Credits

The Rounds Table Theme Music by Brendan Quinn, Creative Director and Composer, Vapor RMW

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