Welcome back Rounds Table Listeners!
This week we interviewed Dr. Michelle Sholzberg to discuss coagulopathy associated with COVID-19.
Dr. Sholzberg is a clinical hematologist with a focus on bleeding and is the Medical Director of the Coagulation Laboratory at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She is also the Co-Director of the Hematology-Oncology Clinical Research Group and of the Hematology-Immunology Translational Research Theme.
She is Principal Investigator on the RAPID-COVID COAG Study which is randomizing patients hospitalized with COVID-19 who have an elevated d-dimer to review low dose versus therapeutic dose anti-coagulation.
Learn more about the study here: @COVIDtrialsON or by emailing Dr. Sholzberg (Michelle.Sholzberg@unityhealth.to).
Questions? Comments? Feedback? We’d love to hear from you. @roundstable
Excellent discussion and synopsis on COVID coagulopathy + introduction to RAPID COVID RCT. All the best.