It’s a special episode of The Rounds Table this week with guest hosts Dr. Fraser Pollard and Dr. Ashley Minuk. Fraser and Ashley are family physicians in Trenton, Ontario.
Sore throat is a very common presentation in family practice. Many patients who seek care expect a prescription to offer some kind of relief. For adults, antibiotics are not usually the answer: the vast majority of adult pharyngitis is viral. Most patients presenting with sore throat have already tried the usual over the counter analgesics and are looking for something to relieve their pain. It would be nice to be able to offer an evidence-based alternative! Is dexamethasone the answer? Listen to find out!
Next, Fraser takes listeners through a study examining the effects of actively commuting to work on the incidence of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and mortality. Exercise is a standard recommendation given to most patients; the benefits are broad, from improved cardiovascular health to retained physical function. Fraser’s article gives insight into the benefits of “30 minutes per day” of exercise and how, realistically, it can be achieved.
Finally, whether it’s your least or most favourite part of the show, it wouldn’t be The Rounds Table without the Good Stuff segment! Where is antibiotic resistance coming from? Fraser takes listeners through the evolution of superbugs. Next, Ashley discusses a meta-analysis which examines the effect of dairy consumption on cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality.
Like what you hear? Rate us on iTunes! Chat with us on Twitter @roundstable and tweet at Fraser @FraserPollard and Ashley @ashleyminuk.
The Papers
1. Dexamethasone for Sore Throat:
2. The Active Commute!
Good Stuff
2. Dairy & Disease?
Music Credits
The Rounds Table Theme Music by Brendan Quinn, Creative Director and Composer, Vapor RMW