Welcome back Rounds Table listeners! To kick off the new year we have a very special episode, discussing what is known and what is not known about COVID-19 and pregnancy. Our guest is Dr. Verena (Vreni) Kuret She is the section head of the Maternal Fetal Medicine program in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology …
When Alison was pregnant six years ago, she asked her Toronto-based midwife what she thought about her having a drink. Her midwife advised her to avoid alcohol during the first trimester. But after that, one drink at a time, once or twice week, would be okay. She followed the advice. “I really enjoy a glass …
A miscarriage is a tragedy experienced by many women. It may result in physical complications, and there is often an associated period of loss and grief. But is having a miscarriage by itself a disability? And, if it is, what are the implications for classifying it as such? In a case currently before the Ontario …
A month ago, the Centers for Disease Control in the US released its controversial guidelines recommending all women who “might be” pregnant abstain from alcohol and that all women who are pregnant stop drinking completely. While parts of the guidelines are appropriate, including that all pregnant women be talked to about alcohol use, the messaging …
When she pictured her birth, Meghan Ward wanted a support person who would be with her from start to finish. Her first choice was a midwife, but there wasn’t a midwife in the Bow Valley, Alberta region where she lives. As a compromise, she found an obstetrician for her maternity care and started looking into …
The CHIPS trial of Hypertension in Pregnancy and TIPPS trial of Thrombophilia in Pregnancy Janice and Amol want you to understand the following: 1. Tight blood pressure control in pregnancy does not affect fetal outcomes in pregnancy compared with loose blood pressure control. The only difference in maternal outcomes is a reduced risk of severe hypertension …