Medical Education

186 articles
by Dennis E. Curry

MAiD’s vanishing slippery slope

New data on MAiD sheds much needed light on a topic so broiled in hysteria and unforced errors to seem like some sort of deranged game of political and health-care tennis.

by Alykhan Abdulla

How The Grinch stole family medicine: A tale of Ontario’s health crisis

Like a green, scheming miser, the Grinch of health care – festooned in a slew of government mismanagement and shortsighted policies – descended upon family medicine, stealing its spirit one policy at a time.

by Sarah Mohd Ali Khorshid Shakibaiemoqadam

The future of prescriptions: Pharmacogenomic testing on the verge of revolutionizing health care

With the growing trend of using genomic information to personalize care, is there a type of testing that can tell us whether medications we have been prescribed are actually working?

by Megan Werger Neha Shah Gillian Grant-Allen

Ontario’s physician wage-gap: Myth vs. fact

Through further research and advocacy efforts, we are hopeful that physician compensation will eventually reflect merit and services rendered.

by The Disabled Ginger

A plea to maskless health-care workers from vulnerable patients

Health-care workers have a responsibility to protect their vulnerable patients. Our lives are in your hands.

by Maddi Dellplain

Are Canada’s clinical trials in need of reform? Experts weigh in.

Private companies in Canada are recruiting thousands of often financially desperate test subjects each year to participate in clinical trials. If we want to ensure safer studies for participants and improve critical research, what is the best way forward?

by Timothy Caulfield

Hey Canada, let’s stop the homeopathy lie

As Alberta ponders whether or not to bring alternative medicine into the provincial health-care system, Timothy Caulfield has a few words to share on homeopathy.

by Alexandre Veilleux

Essential exposure: The case for mandatory palliative care clinical rotations

Clinical exposure to palliative care is not afforded the attention it deserves in undergraduate medical curricula. To rob medical learners of such experiences is a travesty.

by Shannon McKenney

Tackling the sepsis ‘beast’: New treatment aims to save lives

Researchers have developed a new treatment to block inflammation, supercharge the white blood cells’ ability to kill bacteria, and protect against heart and lung failure.

by Nichole Sanchez Diaz Sanja Kostov Erin Bearss Milena Forte

Bridging generational divides in medical education: Gen Z med students’ POV

Adapting medical education for Gen Z learners isn’t about coddling – it's about evolution.

by Karla Machlab

What is ‘normal’? Lab-based inequity in hematology

Inappropriate reference ranges are a significant issue in various areas of medicine and perpetuate systemic racism.

by Joss Reimer

Privilege. Blame. Allyship. Reflecting on reconciliation as a non-Indigenous physician

CMA president Joss Reimer writes, "As individuals, we may not be responsible for what happened in the past. But we are responsible for what happens in the future."

by Angela Dong

The Big Data minefield as AI shapes the future of health care

Ongoing clinical feedback from everyday use of AI models forms the basis for AI’s self-learning and continuous improvement. Physicians will have to realize the agency – and the responsibility – they hold in interacting with this feedback loop.

by Emily Foucault

Along with millions of others, I live with MCAS. There is an urgent need for research and support

"Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a debilitating and often misunderstood condition. As someone living with MCAS, I have firsthand experience of its profound impact on daily life and the urgent need for greater awareness, research and funding."

by Kathleen Ross

Resident matching can’t start with CaRMS: Why we need a national plan for the health workforce

"Medical residents are a critical part of the health system. Together, we can plan for a future where they and their patients are set up for long-term success."

by Allison Dunning

‘Thank you for sharing. Do you have a plan?’ Outdated policies preventing peer supporters from saving lives

Peer supporters are ready and able to support people with experiences relating to death and dying – we just need organizational policies to get with the times.

by Sarah Main Jenson Price Alixe Ménard Jhnelle McLaren-Beato Larry W. Chambers

Clarity, compassion and dignity: Communicating a dementia diagnosis effectively

Health-care providers often face challenges in communicating dementia diagnoses, as it involves navigating complex emotional and practical considerations. The toolkit can help.

by Lucie Langford Braden O’Neill

How to make the most of your virtual mental health care appointment

With profound shifts in how mental health care is delivered, and a clear interest in the continued use of virtual care, a few simple recommendations can help everyone have a better experience in our “new normal.”

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