
36 articles:
by Mats Junek Jia Hu Thomas Piggott Yassen Tcholakov

Can a sugar tax help solve our obesity problem?

by Emily Stachera Jeremy Petch Timothy Caulfield

Obesity is killing us. So why can’t we do anything about it?

by Vanessa Milne Mike Tierney Timothy Caulfield

‘An imperfect tool’: The controversy over whether BMI is the best measure of obesity

by Amol Verma Fahad Razak Travis Murdoch

We turned one! “Too rich for my blood: Obesity, palliative care, hepatitis c”

by Amol Verma Nathan Zilbert

All About Diabetes: Bariatric Surgery and Physical Activity

by Vanessa Milne Mike Tierney

Treating childhood obesity with family-focused interventions

by Amol Verma Nathan Zilbert

All About Diabetes: Bariatric Surgery and Physical Activity

by Amol Verma Travis Murdoch Fahad Razak

Too rich for my blood: obesity, palliative care, hepatitis c

by Karen Born Andreas Laupacis

Weight loss surgery: what do we know about quality?

by Karen Born Andreas Laupacis Steve Park

Need & access to bariatric surgery in Ontario

by Karen Born Andreas Laupacis

Do lessons from the fight against smoking apply to reducing obesity?

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