
14 articles
by Michael Heenan

Health-care workers are under attack. We must do more to ensure their safety

Every day, healthy-care workers document a spectrum of abusive behaviour they experience in providing care. More needs to be done stop it.

by Kathleen Ross

Resident matching can’t start with CaRMS: Why we need a national plan for the health workforce

"Medical residents are a critical part of the health system. Together, we can plan for a future where they and their patients are set up for long-term success."

by Darren Cargill

Match Day 2024: ‘Take 3 deep breaths … and have faith’

The NFL draft is much like the CaRMS match. It distills years of hard work and sacrifice into one binary answer: matched/unmatched.

by Maria Raveendran

Come for the black bears and huskies. Stay to ‘transform how we deliver health care’

"Self-determination doesn't happen when all of your clinicians are flying up from the south, working for a week and then flying home.” Medical resident Maria Raveendran writes on her experience working in the remote northern Ontario community of Moose Factory Island.

by Douglas Courtemanche

Another year? Yes. Make it a good one, and share it with specialists, too.

Adding another year to the family practice residency may be controversial, but it is a good idea. All students, residents, clinicians, the system and, most importantly, patients would benefit from a more complete education of all doctors.

by Doreen Rabi

We cannot teach ourselves out of a failing system

The College of Family Physicians of Canada's expansion of training will demoralize and financially penalize early career physicians. Education will not address systemic and structural barriers to comprehensive practice.

by Larry W. Chambers Amanda Bell Seddiq Weera

More research needed to understand medical students’ shift from exclusively clinical to scholarship

Canadian medical students’ interest in pursuing careers in research, education and administration is on the rise, signalling future physicians’ interest in enhancing the health-care system rather than simply being a part of it. Medical schools will need to take note.

by Hammad Saif Stephanie Zhou

With rising interest rates and maxed-out loans, medical trainees are in desperate need of financial education

As the Canadian Medical Association retires its financial literacy program, Canada’s medical trainees are facing rising debt, often worsened by their poor understanding of how to handle money.

by Liana Hwang

‘There’s always a way forward’: Mentors help students deal with devastating Match Day results

Match Day is possibly the most stressful day of medical school, and an increasing number of medical students will remain unmatched. But a growing network of mentors is here to help.

by Rod Parsa Rebekah Sibbald

The case for mature medical students

Many professional programs in Canada have long touted values that promote diversity of experience. But when it comes to medical schools - little consideration is made for older, more experienced candidates.

by Rebekah Sibbald Larry W. Chambers

The key to living longer and better? Dying at home

Despite our preferences, most Canadians do not have the privilege of dying at home. Although it is not possible to guarantee a good death, it is possible to reduce your risk of a bad death by thinking and talking about end-of-life.

by Marina Moharib

Let’s talk about part-time: Finding work-life balance in residency

Life doesn’t stop in residency. Marriage and babies happen. Grief and illness and losses happen. Burnout happens. Therapy happens. And with some flexibility, life can happen while we remain present – more present for life and more present for all the work that comes with it.

by Vivek Govardhanam

International fellows in the shadows: The other side of post-graduate medical education

International clinical fellows have been the unsung heroes throughout the pandemic. Yet, we still haven’t been able to guarantee some of the basic workplace provisions for them that their Canadian colleagues take for granted.

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