
Election 2015: The Health Care Debate

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  • mayer16 says:

    I disagree
    Friendly, Dorthey

  • Alisa Chen says:

    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? I don’t get it. Can you guys make a post where you talk about the Aboriginals health care and how the parties react to that situation in the elections? Thanks.

    • Joanna says:

      Hey, let’s be nice here, okay? You should already be glad they spared the time to make this site for us.

  • janet says:

    It needs to start with preventative medicine eg. Dental plans are a big step. Checking out the food industry. (and GMOs) Check out the safety of drugs on the market in comparison to natural remedies. I myself spend alot of time in the hospital. The care I really need I have been denied by the medical system. Alot of money is being spent to keep the symptoms under control. i know that for many years
    in other countries I would have recieved a surgical procedure that they say has not been researched enough. They have a cure for athsma in Africa which has been denied here in Canada.

  • Charles Dubois says:

    Maybe I’m a bit delusional but does any one else notice that the green party was the only one to have definitive goals and a platform that is already made.

    All the rest seem to be talking about making up their minds as soon as the election is over, and state that it will be beneficial to a certain group of people.(Possibly canadians as a whole)

    Maybe it was just better stated in the green party’s sections.

    Alcohol has not been known to improve judgement so be forewarned.

  • Evelyn Mitchell says:

    It appears that none of the questions above address the problem of “Outsourcing” of prescription drugs. Since these drugs may be supplied from anywhere and there is no system in place to inspect the end product My question is Where is Health Canada on this issue? I refer you to the CBC episode of “Go Public” which aired 14 Sep 2015. For computer savvy people this should be available by checking their web site.

  • dan says:

    I’m not impressed with anyone. If we knew of an impending natural disaster that would effect the entire country, there would be some serious details. Our Healthcare system is facing a crisis and yet the specifics are few.

  • Eileen Beres says:

    Not sure who has best health care plan . I live in a town population over five thousand people. We desperately need more health care money. Took me four days just to get a new prescription refill. As I was going on a trip it was very very frustrating. Told to Phone in by 8:30 am. And my Dr. Would be in, when phoned that Dr. Was booked up. Made apptmt with another Dr. Clinic phoned back that he was out sick..So booked in with new Dr. For late afternoon. Finally got prescription refill. This is just one example.Drs do not stay here very long therefore they do not know your history and sometime their English is hard to understand
    What would happen if I was really sick. Only recourse is to call an ambulance.
    Provinces need more money. If government can support refugees WHY can they not provide people who have lived here all their life. Disgruntled senior

  • mildred says:

    noticed skewed and lacking conservative coverage.

    • Wendy Glauser says:

      The Conservative Party did not respond to our questions, as the introduction explains. All parties were given an equal opportunity to respond to the same questions and we ran the answers verbatim.

  • lory says:

    I continue to search for platform opinions on Canadians on disabilitiy. I prefer a life long healthy lifestyle; but have been confronted with a genetic life threatening illness.
    in Canada: disability persons have $11,000/year total annual income-chronically below the poverty line for 30 years.
    disability income does not cover prescriptions (one tablet is $10); or dental; or preventative eye checkups.

    I believe we need to address Canadians in our own back yard as a foundation, as a Canadian right. Canadians in our own back yard are struggling; disabled Canadians have a right to equivocal cost of living so we can prioritize good food, medications etc. to regain normalcy.

  • Hilary Mackey says:

    Interesting that anyone would vote for the Conservatives when they haven’t seen fit to participate.

  • Peter G M Cox says:

    VERY interesting (including the comments)! As a non-partisan “observer”, I would suggest a 5th alternative to the vote as to who has the best healthcare policy – none of them! The Canada Health Act 1984 promised “… universality, accessibility, portability and comprehensiveness … ” – so far unfulfilled by any (Federal or Provincial government) but, of course, they’ve only had 36 years to “work on it”. As I’ve previously pointed out in this forum, compared to 11 European countries and Australia (with similar GDP per capita, universal healthcare systems and not wildly different per capita spending on healthcare), we employ far fewer doctors and nurses per capita, have far fewer acute care beds (per capita) and comparatively very (dangerously) high hospital bed occupancy rates and (perhaps not surprisingly) have “outcomes” in international studies that rank us poorly (usually last in this grouping), while, at the same time, we rank with the “high” (per capita) spenders – clearly (outside the USA) the most cost-inefficient system in the developed World. Polls over the past year or two have also demonstrated that the Canadian public, while they may not be aware of the international comparisons, are well aware of the failings and rank healthcare as their MAJOR concern (one indicated that over 50% of Canadians think it needs fundamental overhaul). And yet none of the parties (at either the Federal or Provincial levels) seems to want to address this issue with any coherent policy proposals: it seems they would rather try to focus our attention on other issues (rather than the MAJOR CONCERN of a majority of Canadians)!
    If anyone could enlighten me on why this is (from the viewpoints of our political parties’ reluctance to develop a plan to “catch up” with peer countries or why they are so reluctant to address an issue of major – perhaps the MOST – concern to a majority of Canadians), I should REALLY appreciate their insight; otherwise, my faith in the idea that our elected representatives fight so hard to gain power in order to SERVE their constituents is being sorely undermined!

    • Helen Robertson says:

      Yes! Totally agree.
      This is a viewpoint that I have put forward many times. It is usually met with arbitrary negative comments about European or Oz health care systems or ridiculous statements like “Canada has the best Health Care System in the world.”

      To me development of a CANADIAN Health Care system is essential for the future well being of Canadians.
      Here are some of the obstacles I see to that happening.

      – Canada is a loose Federation of States. Each state has now built a huge administrative fyfedom around their own HC system.

      – Canadians seem to be very proud of their “Medicare.” It seems to be tied up with their notion
      of what being a Canadian means.

      – Proximity to US. Anytime there is talk about changing HC in Canada the assumption is that a change would mean adopting the US system (or lack of system)

      – Canadians don’t seem to be willing to complain.By that I mean they will complain to HC professionals who are trying to do their best.
      They won’t bombard their MPs and Political Leaders with demands for change.
      They won’t flood media and social media with demands.
      They won’t stage protests or march on parliament.
      Despite it being election time people are allowing the Party Leaders to amble around the country and spout their pablum to preselected audiences.The media then dutifully reports this rubbish along with a few trivial “controversies” Meanwhile herds of elephants (including the HC Elephant) are thundering around and everyone ignores them.
      I was in the UK last Christmas when there were problems with long wait times at Emergency Depts in London. People COMPLAINED. It was first item on the news and front page on newspapers.
      – No Strong Political Leadership.

      Anyway clearly I do not have answers to your questions. I do definitely share your concern and frustration.
      Overall I am extremely disappointed with my adopted country. It has such potential an such wealth and manages to do so little with so much.

  • Rudolf Mueller says:

    none of the above ! we need to have a National Health Care Program, NOT a Provincial one. We need Pharmacare. It is not normal for a modern state to exclude students who decided to study abroad from the health care program, i.e. requirement to reside in one spot for close to 200 days before being able to renew healthcard. Provinces allowing for only one prolonged absence. Today’s system relies on a trickle down effect of federal money. No , we need a National program.

  • Dave Edwards says:

    The failure of the Conservatives to address important questions related to health care during a federal election speaks volumes about their approach/interest in this area over the past several years.

    • John Moors says:

      David –they have all ahd the same time why have the NDP and liberals not brought the subject up.??

  • Glen Roberts says:

    Nicely done. Too bad there is not a publicized ‘healthcare’ debate, like the one happening tonight on the economy.

    I would prefer to have seen your evaluation framework perhaps being ranked or perhaps a percentage of the ‘perfect’ healthcare strategy. All of the strategies have various shades of grey under each of your identified priorities; at the exclusion of other policy priorities.

    Thanks for doing this. It is a good synopsis. I am not sure it will influence things at this stage; but wish/hope that it would.

  • Freya Keddie (medical transcriptionist) says:

    I am very impressed that the NDP had the foresight to develop a National Aging Strategy. It will go a long way toward allowing citizens to stay in their homes longer and to ultimately having better access to long-term care when they need it (many seniors spend weeks in expensive acute-care hospitals waiting for LTC beds).

  • Adam Smith says:

    The conservative platform is best – they kept their mouths shut. The other party platforms are platitudes to spend more money – they aren’t talking about the hard stufff of how to get better performance in the system, how to get better coordination, how to get care to people who need it. Instead, the parties say they will write fancy reports called national strategies and spend money.

    • Victoria says:

      Yes exactly.

    • Gary Blidook says:

      Trolls really don’t deserve a response.

    • Krystal Huang says:

      Yeah, true. The other parties are just saying that “OH, WE’RE GONNA DO BLAHBLAHBLAH” but have those parties ever considered HOW, and what if they back out on their promises? They just boast to seem like a better person so people can vote for them more.


Wendy Glauser


Wendy is a freelance health and science journalist and a former staff reporter with Healthy Debate.

Michelle Stasiuk


Maureen Taylor


Maureen Taylor is a Physician Assistant who worked as a medical journalist and television reporter for the CBC for two decades.

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