
Can family medicine meet the expectations of millennial doctors?

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  • Hanssen Tulia says:

    Do you have a Youtube channel as well with this kind of content on it? I would love to see this post turned into a longer video if possible. Maybe I can share it on my website.

  • TapOut says:

    As the popularity and effectiveness metrics (not individual or accounting KPI) improve the evidence in favour of better *patient care* , skill retention and accountability and provinces **proactively plan migration** from single practise to team based funding models solutions should emerge and evolve. Such a phenomenon means good fiscal succession planning and collaboration about stable health care funding across the country along with a general understanding that at the federal level we need a modern (21st century ) health care act before 2025, a quarter of the century into the century, with functional single payer funding model commitments. A Strong dose of political will and lower lobbist influence from within Canada and from that behemoth health care “industry” to our South is needed.

  • JM says:

    Gondi, Your response, I believe, misses the point. All things change. In this case, the needs of those new folks coming into the profession have changed…based, in part, on a variety of factors/reasons. Your response would appear to be underpinned by an old-school line of thinking based on your personal biography and not on the evidence which, to date, has clearly pointed to a need for change. Gone are days of “this is the way I was trained and this is the way I and all should practice”…a foolish response and one that lacks any kind of empathy–an ability core to what the public and profession would argue is vital.

  • Ashley says:

    Very interesting and informative blog.

    According to me, young doctors should practice under the guidance of senior doctors. And, if all the doctors work together in a one team, then only things will work out for all the communities.


  • Gondi says:

    I disagree with the overarching “millennial” generalization.

    The fact is that the field doesn’t have to cater to “millennials”, it has to be a rewarding, satisfying professional career.

    At present, the reality of family medicine is one of an underfunded, undervalued, prestige-less, grinding job that will soon be replaced by nurses. The major attraction to family medicine is that its a short residency and affords the opportunity for part-time piecemeal work afterwards. Perfect for new mothers and fathers who want part-time work and aren’t “all-in” with medicine. For those that are more dedicated to medicine, the specialties provide a better professional avenue.

  • Dr. Dennis Kendel says:

    Above all, in every generation, we need to remember that our mission as family physicians is to optimize the health and meet the healthcare needs of people wherever they live. That includes people in rural communities, the economically deprived areas of our cities, and First nations communities. Inevitably, fulfilling that mission, often requires some modulation of personal ambitions and preferences.

  • Anna Sylwestrowicz says:

    Teamwork, collaboration and making operating rooms more “human” is important as well. Surgeons still have an old school matcho attitude to their work and workaholism is praised.


Wendy Glauser


Wendy is a freelance health and science journalist and a former staff reporter with Healthy Debate.

Joshua Tepper


Joshua Tepper is a family physician and the President and Chief Executive Officer of North York General Hospital. He is also a member of the Healthy Debate editorial board.

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