
It’s a mistake to cancel basic income—programs like it helped me become a doctor

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  • David Grant says:

    Thank you for giving us your story in relation to an important subject. While this is a shocking story, it hardly surprising. Since 1993, there has been wholesale assault on public services of any kind that exist to help the most vulnerable in society. In the pursuit of balancing the provincial and federal budgets, there were many who were affected by cuts in social and health spending. The rise of a Social Darwinian world view has made it very difficult for many, like your mother, to survive. This cannot be allowed to go any longer if we want to have a society that is in anyway civilized. I hope that others who read this will fight against these assaults on the poor and vulnerable where ever they live.

  • April Horodenchuk says:

    Thank you, and I couldn’t agree more now experiencing the hardships and barriers people have while working as a community nurse. My clients are left to live in shelters because they can’t afford a one bedroom apartment and the waiting list for regional housing is about a mile long which leaves my clients with no hope for stable housing. Furthermore, leaving out the psychology needs of a person.

  • Katie Dorman says:

    Thank you for this important piece and for sharing your story! I agree that the basic income pilot needs to be resumed.


Rahat Hossain


Rahat Hossain is a medical student in the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine at McMaster University.

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