
Socrates and self-reflection: A creative approach to teaching compassion

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  • Adam Khalif says:

    Dear Dr. Pelland and Dr. Batorowicz,

    This exploration regarding whether or not we can teach and assess compassion as a competency was encouraging. Furthermore, I was heartened to see you suggest a dialectic approach to developing compassion. I personally have been engaged in some of the practices geared towards developing compassion, including one that has been systematized by the team you mentioned at Stanford which is known as Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) program. Although my experience is quite limited, I can attest to the fact that these practices complied in the CCT program truly depend on ones ability to reason, re-contextualize, and change perspectives. The program’s protocol suggests that when compassion is grounded in a sound reasoning process, it can become integrated into ones basic outlook through a process of familiarization. I encourage anyone interested in this topic to consult an excellent book by the principal author of the CCT program, Dr. Thubten Jinpa, entitled “A Fearless Heart”.

    Lastly, I’d just like to mention that as a new student in the School of Rehabilitation at Queen’s (GDip AGHE), I feel very proud to see these types of conversations happening here.


    Adam Khalif


Lucie Pelland


Lucie Pelland, PT (Reg.) Ont., PhD, Associate Professor, School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Queen’s University. 

Beata Batorowicz


Beata Batorowicz, OT (Reg.) Ont., PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Queen’s University.

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