Question: I have an autoimmune disease and need to take drugs that suppress my immune system. Should I get a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available? I worry that the shot won’t protect me from getting infected. Or worse, I might actually catch COVID from the vaccine.
Answer: You can rest assured that a COVID vaccine won’t give you the illness it is designed to prevent.
Consider, for example, that two of the leading vaccine candidates are based on a new type of vaccine technology using messenger RNA – or mRNA. To create immunity, the vaccines contain some of the genetic instructions for SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
“It’s only one strand of RNA for making a part of the virus – not the entire virus – and it’s not infectious,” says Rob Kozak, a scientist and clinical microbiologist at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto. And the other promising vaccines don’t contain infectious agents, either. “So, there is no risk of these vaccines making you sick with COVID.”
However, he adds that it’s harder to predict how well the vaccines will work in people with underlying medical conditions.
Preliminary data from trials of healthy adults indicate some of the experimental vaccines are effective in 90 to 95 per cent of those who receive two doses.
An encouraging sign is that some of the trials included volunteers over the age of 65 who tend to have less efficient immune systems than younger folks.
Kozak notes that a vaccine from AstraZeneca has produced a comparatively strong immune reaction in older adults. “This suggests the vaccines will probably work to some degree in people who are immune compromised.”
Nonetheless, we won’t know the true protective capacity of the vaccines until there are results from trials involving a broader segment of the population, including individuals with various medical conditions.
Indeed, many questions remain unanswered.
The main goal of a vaccine is to get your immune system ready to fight off a specific microbial invader.
Traditionally, vaccines have used weakened or dead viruses – or parts of viruses – to train the immune system. When exposed to a harmless deactivated virus in this way, the body will produce antibodies and other immune cells that are primed for a rapid attack if they encounter the real live pathogen.
In recent months, the threat posed by the global pandemic has helped accelerate the development of new and innovative vaccine technologies – including mRNA.
Several pharmaceutical companies – such as Pfizer and Moderna – are banking on this approach. Their mRNA vaccines contain the genetic code for producing “spike” proteins – the distinctive protrusions that dot the surface of the coronavirus.
When delivered in a vaccine, the mRNA enters the body’s cells and instructs them to churn out spike proteins. Human cells immediately recognize these as “foreign” proteins and alert the immune system to start generating protective antibodies.
The main advantage of an mRNA vaccine is that the synthetic raw materials can be produced faster than some traditional vaccines, like flu shots that rely on viral samples grown in eggs.
But, on the downside, mRNA is inherently unstable. The Pfizer vaccine, for instance, must be stored at -70 Celsius – creating huge challenges for distribution.
The other promising vaccine is being developed by the University of Oxford and its pharmaceutical partner AstraZeneca. They are using a genetically-altered cold virus to deliver spike protein genes to trigger an immune response.
And there are still more vaccines in the pipeline.
“No one expects that just a few companies will be able to produce enough vaccine to inoculate the entire world before next fall,” says Kozak. “So, we absolutely need more.”
Another uncertainty is that we don’t know how long the vaccinations will last. Immunity may wane over time, requiring booster shots down the road.
But the more immediate question is whether the vaccines will actually block infection or just reduce the severity of the illness.
Even if a vaccine only minimizes symptoms, that may be sufficient to prevent a surge in COVID-19 cases from overwhelming the healthcare system, says Chris Labos, an epidemiologist and cardiologist in Montreal.
“If the symptoms are reduced, then fewer people will need to be admitted to hospital and fewer of them will be taking up ICU (Intensive Care Unit) beds and ventilators.”
On the other hand, if you are inoculated and only have partial immunity, you might later contract a mild case of COVID and still be capable of spreading it to others. As a result, we may need to take protective measures until enough people are vaccinated to create collective “herd” immunity.
“Just because a vaccine is rolled out, it doesn’t necessarily mean we stop wearing masks or keeping our distance,” says Labos.
Kozak agrees: “I think masks are going to be with us for a while.”

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Hello.. my name is Maria.
O have for 30 years a disease called : Agammaglobulinemia and since then my doctors said don’t take any vaccine due it will not work in your body.
In my case I take 30 grams of Gamma Globulin every 3 weeks. And is is Safe for me take the Covid vaccine without any risk of getting a wrong reaction and get a Covid into my body ?
Thank you for your help.
I have Bullous Pempigold and have been a flare now for 3 months. I got the 1st Covid Vaccine and the rash came back strong. I am insecure in getting the 2nd shot. should I wait until the flare is gone?
My question is,
I have Reactive Arthritis and my sickness is control by Methotrexate.
Methotrexate acts like an immunosuppressant. But the Pfizer vaccine my put my immunology system in action, which is what I do not tolerate.
After the second shoot of Pfizer my Reactive Arthritis flare.
Still i did not control it. And at the blood test my RA IS ACTIVE.
So, what is the position I have to get regarding future vaccination?
I’ll add my 2 cents worth in case it helps anyone out there…
I was really afraid to get the vaccine as well…Im 64 & female ,and I am hypothyroid and was thought at one time a person with mild Lupus…I use to take Hydroxychloroquin, but I dont think I have Lupus (who knows)…BUT this is what made me afraid to take the vaccine, incase my body got the shot and went a bit crazy…I had both shots of Moderna…no fever no chills for me phewww, but what I seem to have gotten is a skin thing Ive never had before Lichen Planus and Lichen Sclerosis…no fun, and heavy steroid cream for a while! For sure the Planus one is from the shot ,as about 10 days later near shot site 3 welt type things came up, then turned into a rectangle shape and red and itchy…steroid cream got rid of that…Still trying to get rid of Lichen Sclerosis :( I never get sick…been 11 years since ive had a cold etc…I am getting older…im pretty active and eat well…Skin things for me is weird…
PS/ its not a live vaccine…
“Rest Assured”?
Please do NOT listen to this information. As of July 2021 the new guidelines are as such: There are no studies done on people with autoimmune diseases or splenology and they suggest until further investigation to NOT get the vaccine and keep wearing a mask, social distance and keep hands clean. I double mask when I am able to leave the house ( pretty much bedbound now )
i am 73 year old female. was disgnosed with lichen planus in 2020. how will the covid vaccine affect me? will it trigger a flare up? or should i not get it?
They currently have not done any studies on people with autoimmune diseases/suppressed immune systems. As far as my doctor has told me, it is better to just keep my mask on, avoid people and keep my hands washed until studies are actually done on people like us. There is also no long term effect studies done either ( I know it’s severely effect women’s menstrual cycle, especially women with PCOS and Endo )
Kate I am also in immune supressers and cortizone and I am too scared to get vaccinated (being treated for Wegener vasculites) and will not be able to tolerate a flare-up
Wonder if the doctor will be able to give advice. (I live in South Africa)
I have had chronic autoimmune hives for 9 years. They are controlled with xyzal, Pepcid, and 2.5 mg. Prednisone. If I take the Covid vaccine, will it exacerbate my autoimmune hives?
I too have had chronic hives for 12 years. My immune system is in overdrive. I take a suppressant. I’m afraid the vaccine will trigger my immune system into a destructive overdrive. Did you get a reply?
Would it be safe for me to have the Covid Vaccine.? I had Transverse Myelitis 20 years ago.
I had mononucleosis at 16. Can I get comic 19 vaccination?
What then,if I get vaccine and then develop Covid infection. My immune status is suppressed suppression.
Hi I have lechen scolerosus recently diagnosed so on high topical steroids for another 2 weeks ,
My questions are
1 will the injection wk the hen my immune system has now been lowered
2 I had a very bade attack from my deasease just after my jap and lost the left inner labia .
Could the jap be responsible for this and should I get second one Donna
Ps I will be lowering my dose of steroid in 12 days time
Dear Paul,
My name is Catherine,
And my question is I started on steroids last Tuesday, I take 12 tabs a day that’s 60mg for 4 weeks.
I am very healthy and I have been taken Vit D for the past 6 months.
I always had a good immune system, so should I go ahead and get the Covid vaccine or should I wait until I’m finished the steroids.
Regards Catherine.
Why do scientists like G Vanden Bossche say the vaccine will harm our natural immunity? Is this true why are we being pushed to get vaccine that will harm us?
Yes it is true. Look online in Youtube and you will see Bill Gates talking about depopulation by vaccination. We already have an autoimmune system, but vaccines knock it out and destroy organs.. mine was thyroid. Most of the vaccines contain terrible ingredients you wouldn’t wish on anyone. Many are approved without proper checking. Ones that are checked are refused, but in my opinion they should all be checked.
Transparency is another thing. Gone are the days where you are given a list of the ingredients and had the right to choose for yourself and your children what is best. Now it is being amped up, they say they want 300 or more vaccines for everyone…. I am lucky I have an exemption from my doctor and I am not to have the covid one or any others from hereon. I imagine the govt will try and undo this. I know people whose first child was rendered a vegetable on permanent 24 hour care – Centrelink cut that family off because the mother was unwilling for her second child to have vaccines. Centrelink gives them no help – it is just lucky that the lady’s family have enough money to pay her rent food and bills. It is disgusting we have no choice in their eyes. I feel for everyone, but most people are convinced they must be safe or we wouldn’t be offere them…. beward of wolves in sheep’s clothing…..
I had my first epidural steroid shot yesterday, and tomorrow I am scheduled for my 2nd covid shot, will this steroid shot affect my immunity to covid. I am confused…. Plus now i have palpitations and elevated heart rate from the epidural shots in the lumbar and cervical area. I have a past of Afib episodes and a cardiac ablation in 2015. Concerned about more palps and tach, and if this has now screwed up my covid immunity and should I wait to take the 2nd shot.
Adrian Dix says there are presently (as at April 26/21) 44,000 Pfizer vaccines still available in BC. My daughter, aged 46, who has registered for her shot, has an auto-immune disease and is anxious to get the Pfizer vaccine, rather than risk the Astroveneca vaccine. She lives on Vancouver Island. Are there any of the 44,000 Pfizer vaccines available on Vancouver Island? Thank You!
After reading this Im still not sure if you answered the question, I know we dont know yet, but are you advising that people with auto immune suppressed systems on medication to suppress their immune system should or shouldnt get the covid 19 vaccination? or wait? Can you be clearer?
I had the first Moderna vaccine 6 weeks ago. Within 10 days I developed severe tingling and numbness in my fingers, hands, arms, toes and legs. I went to the ER and neurologist. Clearly my immune system has overreacted to the vaccine and left me at least for the time being with bad neuropathy. I am a Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma survivor. I have no intention of getting the second dose.
Hi Boris
I had the same response with Pfizer, plus headaches, blurred vision, facial twitches, facial numbness…
Are you in Vancouver, BC. Which neurologist have you seen and what is the solution for your neuropathy? I am see my neurologist soon. Thank you. Jana
I have had exactly the same reaction All the drs and neurologist say is its not related to.the vaccine. It is
I received the first moderna vaccine almost two weeks ago and had no side effects until today. I’m feverish severe muscle and joint pain everywhere and fatigued. Could this just be a delayed reaction to the vaccine since I have a weak immune system? I used the v text to report in the first week but I had nothing to report. My daughter received the J&J yesterday and has the exact symptoms. Just curious if this could be something that the cdc could benefit from knowing. Thank you.
They are not injecting any part of the virus in you. The older models and all throughout time have used this method.
The new method acts as a treatment therefore not curing it but treating it. Gene Therapy.
There is no reason why if you had Covid, you would get an innoculation for it.
Common Sense is completely gone.
Will taking the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines compromise my own immune system cells. Will the vaccines become dominant over my own cells protection from common cold, or flu, therefore not protecting me from the common cold and given the vaccine , overload the body’s own immune defense system since this is still experimental.
And along those same lines, a friend and a wife who is in the medial field as a doctor’s assistance have concerns whether or not our immune systems will quit reproducing the antigen for Covid 19 after the danger has passed.
I would hope at least one scientists from the dozens of them working the MRnN vaccine would have considered that possibly.
Its got me curious as I have had my first vaccine and am leary now to take the second in 21 days.
Hi Mr Taylor, i have autoimmune disease and have noticed my vaccine side effects are taking longer to ease than many of my friends. Would this possibly be why?
I was relieved to see your question. I’m having the same issue. I think it might take us longer to build the immunity up. I don’t know but it makes sense in a way. Hope you’re better soon.