Kieran Quinn


Kieran Quinn is a general internist and palliative care physician at Sinai Health System and an early career health services researcher affiliated with the University of Toronto and the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES).

128 Contributions
by Kieran Quinn Michael Fralick

More or Less: Sepsis, Shock, Stroke, and Staying Dry in Heart Failure

by Kieran Quinn Laura Walker Anthony Maher Daniel Maughan

Too Much to Ask? Wait Times for Hip Fracture Surgery and Clinician Denials of Patient Requests

by Kieran Quinn Michael Fralick Zeev Kain

Fire Away! Choosing the Right NOAC & How Physician Training Affects Patient Outcomes

by Kieran Quinn Laura Walker

Dollar Dreams: Bedspacing, Mortality, and Epic Healthcare Costs

by Kieran Quinn Chris Yarnell Lindsay Melvin Emily Hughes Sheliza Halani

To Treat or Not To Treat? Immigrant Status and End-of-Life & Delirium Treatment in Palliative Care

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