Episode 21 – COVID-19 and Pregnancy with Dr. Kuret

Welcome back Rounds Table listeners! To kick off the new year we have a very special episode, discussing what is known and what is not known about COVID-19 and pregnancy. Our guest is Dr. Verena (Vreni) Kuret She is the section head of the Maternal Fetal Medicine program in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology …
Building trust: Tailored messaging needed to limit vaccine hesitancy
Africa’s early success in fighting pandemic now at risk
‘What does this mean for us?’ People with developmental disabilities left out of vaccination planning
Pollution reduction: an all-inclusive vaccine
Anti-vaxxers may be a lost cause but the vaccine-hesitant must be brought on board

Distinguishing between “vaccine hesitancy,” a term that has gained traction in recent years, and anti-vaxxers is vital if we are to bring the pandemic under control. Anti-vaxxers can rarely be persuaded to give up their fixed beliefs that all vaccines are harmful. Numerous sources have recommended that health professionals instead focus on those who are …