Evidence Based Medicine

57 articles
by W.A. Bogart

Judge people by their merits, not their measurements

People who are obese often experience discrimination at work, school and in health care. Protection in the form of human rights legislation could be a move in the right direction.

by Zier Zhou

What Canada can learn about MAiD for mental illness from Belgium and the Netherlands

Canadians are clearly divided on MAiD based solely on mental illness. From federal laws and legal cases to medical guidelines and published studies in Belgium and the Netherlands, we can make more informed decisions regarding MAiD eligibility for psychiatric patients.

by Benoît Corriveau Mylaine Breton Neb Kovacina Tara Kiran

Services de première ligne et équité en santé à l’ère numérique : défis et opportunités

Bien que les soins de santé au Canada soient publics, les individus à faible revenu rencontrent trop souvent des obstacles pour accéder aux services de santé, ce qui nuit à leur santé.

by Timothy Caulfield

Misinformation: Yep, still a problem

We are seeing a strange revisionist spin on the issue of misinformation. But misinformation has done and is continuing to do serious harm. It is killing us.

by Danielle Brown-Shreves Vanessa Wright Tara Kiran

Team-based care key to alleviating primary-care crisis

Primary care is in crisis and there aren't enough doctors to go around. Done right, team-based care can expand the capacity of family doctors to care for more patients.

by Maggie Keresteci Tara Kiran Tara Kiran

Give me a primary-care provider who understands me

What do Canadians want in a primary care doctor? The OurCare survey results highlight that an ongoing relationship between a clinician and patient is key.

by Colin Whaley Brandon Tang

What’s on a label? This simple intervention could improve patient safety and save money

Adding reason for use to the labels of prescriptions could be an opportunity to support patient health literacy and to improve communication within the health-care team.

by Bishal Gyawali

Ten health literacy principles cancer patients need to know

A medical oncologist describes ten health literacy principles to help cancer patients be informed participants in important treatment decisions.

by Michelle Cohen

‘Violating Nature’s Health Laws’: How an eccentric early 20th century influencer set the stage for the COVID infodemic

Recognizing historical influences is just the start of tackling the social underpinnings of the infodemic. We must shed the legacy of the idea that a sick person ‘deserved it as a penalty for violating Nature’s health laws.

by Graham Dickson

Rapidly changing environment calls for new approaches to leadership

This month’s Top Three focuses on the issue of senior and executive leadership and the use of strategic interventions effectively to meet the needs of patients, families and communities.

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