
36 articles:
by W.A. Bogart

‘Unshrinking’ tackles fat shaming and bigotry

Kate Manne's new book examines fatphobia in North American society and its sweeping impacts on health care, history and politics.

by Maddi Dellplain

From diabetes medication to weight-loss wonder drug: Ozempic’s popularity raises big questions

Ozempic has raised a lot of questions. We asked a panel of experts what are the most important factors to consider when prescribing Ozempic for weight loss.

by Rebecca Redmond

The real cost of not adopting universal pharmacare is Canadian lives

Pharmacare has not yet been implemented and the pandemic – and the supply and confidence agreement – only further entrenched Big Pharma’s power in Ottawa. But patients need access to life-saving medications.

by W.A. Bogart

Judge people by their merits, not their measurements

People who are obese often experience discrimination at work, school and in health care. Protection in the form of human rights legislation could be a move in the right direction.

by Alon Coret

We all know about anorexia, but can we talk a bit about Binge Eating Disorder?

Binge Eating Disorder, or BED, is at least as common – though probably more common – than any other eating disorder but it often goes under-reported and under-recognized. People living with BED deserve a compassionate representation, along with appropriate, accessible and trauma-informed treatment and support.

by John Fralick Michael Fralick

Episode 26 – Rapid Fire Metabolic Syndrome!

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