
199 articles:
by Katherine S. McGilton Dana Cooper

One Solution to the Long-Term Care Crisis: Nurse Practitioners

The pandemic has brutally exposed vulnerabilities in long-term care homes, but one solution is hiding in plain sight: nurse practitioners.

by Larry W. Chambers Madeleine Smith

As isolation nears its dreary end, we need a plan for brain health

As we emerge from the pandemic, we need a plan to optimize physical health and ensure good vision and hearing to enable people to stay sharp and reduce isolation and depression.

by Anjali Bhayana Alexandra Rendely

Ontario’s inadequate homecare forcing seniors into hospitals

Before the pandemic, we knew our discharged patients were falling through the cracks. It has become even more apparent now.

by Marcia Sokolowski Andria Bianchi

Informed Consent: Should geriatric populations be told about limited representation in vaccine clinical trials?

There are ethical questions over whether certain seniors in long-term care or their designated decision-makers have the information needed to give informed consent to receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.

by Helen Senderovich

Intermittent Fasting: Changing the tides of dementia

IF has been shown to be an effective intervention against obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer. But what about dementia?

by A group of very concerned physicians, researchers and advocates Concerned researchers and experts from CoVaRR-Net

Ontario’s long-term care sector is in a grave humanitarian crisis

We are a group of physicians, researchers and advocates who have come together to express our grave concern for the safety and well-being of Ontarians who reside in long-term care (LTC) homes.

by Pat Kelly

‘A tattoo for mom?’ Ageism Unmasked

Everyday, compassionate ageism doesn’t just feel bad, it’s bad for our health. And it can lead to terrible public policy.

by Jackie Brown

The dangers of financialized long-term care

Jackie Brown makes the compelling case that the staggering loss of life seen within long-term care homes during the first wave was in part the product of an economic regime that values the profits of shareholders over the lives of the vulnerable.

by Jeremy Snyder Valorie A. Crooks

Snowbirds complicate vaccine rollout

Snowbirds receiving the COVID-19 vaccine in the US could cause practical and ethical problems for the vaccine rollout in Canada that we need to prepare for now.

by Kaleigh Alkenbrack

Innovative models pave the way for safe, high-quality long-term care homes

COVID-19 has exposed huge issues in Ontario's LTC homes. It's time we reimagine LTC entirely. Let's start by surveying the other LTC models already out there.

by Denise S. Cloutier Kelli Stajduhar

If not now, when? Applying a palliative approach in long-term care

by Marcel Gemme

How seniors can celebrate the holidays safely

by Madeleine Ritts

The crisis of privatized care in Ontario

by Larry W. Chambers Hanna Levy Eva Liu

Virtual reality can help older Canadians overcome toll of lockdowns

by Larry W. Chambers Hanna Levy Eva Liu

The Longevity Economy: Housing policies for an aging population

by Jean Sugarbroad-Keele

We must protect the elderly as we move to virtual care

by Paul Taylor

Choosing the best option for hip surgery

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