
84 articles
by Vanessa Milne Timothy Caulfield Joshua Tepper

Seven ways to talk to anti-vaxxers (that might actually change their minds)

by Karen Palmer Sachin Pendharkar Timothy Caulfield

Does eating more probiotic bacteria really make us healthier?

by Vanessa Milne Debra Bournes Jeremy Petch

Why antioxidants aren’t as healthy as you think

by Timothy Caulfield

Stem cell miracles don’t live up to the hype

by Vanessa Milne Timothy Caulfield Jill Konkin

IgG tests promise to reveal food sensitivities. But are they science or science-ish?

by Vanessa Milne Debra Bournes Michael Nolan

One year later: Are Syrian refugees finding the PTSD support they need?

by Timothy Caulfield

Hey Canada, let’s stop the homeopathy lie

by Wendy Glauser Maureen Taylor Jeremy Petch

Should herbal and homeopathic medicines be regulated like drugs?

by Vanessa Milne Jeremy Petch Timothy Caulfield

Is organic food healthier?

by Wendy Glauser Joshua Tepper Mike Tierney

ECT: Is stigma preventing better care for depression?

by Vanessa Milne Mike Tierney Timothy Caulfield

‘An imperfect tool’: The controversy over whether BMI is the best measure of obesity

by Wendy Glauser Timothy Caulfield

Is wisdom teeth removal really warranted?

by Wendy Glauser Timothy Caulfield Debra Bournes

Confused about the mixed messages on GMO foods? Here’s what the evidence says

by Wendy Glauser Debra Bournes Andrew Remfry

Confused about the mixed messages on sunscreen safety?

by Wendy Glauser Maureen Taylor

Are patients being informed about prostate cancer screening risks?

by Wendy Glauser Irfan Dhalla

Birth doulas: The benefits and the tensions

by Wendy Glauser Maureen Taylor Michael Nolan

Are breast cancer screening programs justified?

by Wendy Glauser Maureen Taylor

Hype in science: It’s not just the media’s fault

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