Technology and Innovation

260 articles:
by Lucie Langford Braden O’Neill

How to make the most of your virtual mental health care appointment

With profound shifts in how mental health care is delivered, and a clear interest in the continued use of virtual care, a few simple recommendations can help everyone have a better experience in our “new normal.”

by Stephanie Ferguson

Simple finger-prick blood test could help women with debilitating condition

A Canadian company is working to perfect a simple, finger-prick blood test that would revolutionize the diagnosis of endometriosis.

by Maddi Dellplain

Setting the record straight: Medical experts debunk the biggest myths in their field

These days, it's hard to know what to believe. We polled a panel of health experts on the most pervasive misinformation in their specialty and asked them to set the record straight.

by Maria Raveendran

The Discount Code Doctor is in

There are different ways doctors use social media, all of which hinge on the authority that a medical degree provides. But the rise of the physician influencer begs the question: How should doctors present themselves online?

by Samantha Winemaker

Dr. AI & Me

AI is here to stay. But with its rapidly evolving nature, could it eventually replace real-life physicians?

by Anne Borden King Michelle Cohen

Increase in online ADHD diagnoses for kids poses ethical questions

During the pandemic, Ontario swapped out in-clinic ADHD assessment and prescriptions for a virtual care model. Should we continue allowing it for kids?

by Tara Slade-Hall

OurCare Quebec: ‘Patients are frustrated and afraid of what is to come’

Like most Quebecers, I'm worried about our failing health-care system. We as patients are left feeling frustrated and afraid of what is to come.

by Maddi Dellplain

Resolutions and solutions: Health-care experts set goals for 2024

In a time of upheaval and undoubtedly significant professional strain, we wanted to know what health-care experts themselves had on their New Year’s resolution lists.

by Maddi Dellplain

Holiday wishes for our beleaguered health-care system

Health-care workers and experts share their wishes for Canada's health-care system this holiday season.

by Paula Orecklin

OurCare Manitoba: System is nearing collapse but we have faith it can be changed

The Manitoban primary care system is at risk. We cannot just stand to the side watching as issues mount. We need change now, while we can still turn things around. Here's how we fix it.

by Nicole Naimer

Clinic offers a ‘one-stop shop’ for brain care

The Brain Medicine Clinic – a novel clinical model that is a “one-stop shop” for diagnosis, symptom management and treatment – is serving those who don’t have a clear home elsewhere in the health-care system.

by Jeremy Gilbert

Diabetes management has come a long way but barriers to effective treatment still exist

With their ability to provide continuous, painless monitoring, sensor-based glucose monitoring systems empower individuals living with diabetes to make informed decisions regarding their nutrition, activity and medication. But there are still barriers to their widespread use.

by Maddi Dellplain

‘It’s the structures that are sick – it’s not the kids’: Experts stress importance of clean air in schools

How important is air ventilation and filtration in classrooms? Is air quality something that should be a budgetary priority for school boards and provincial and federal governments? This is what the experts had to say.

by Karen Black

National dental program leaves the vulnerable behind, critics say

The federal government is about to embark on the largest investment in oral health in Canadian history. But critics say this landmark investment may not reach the people who need it most.

by Cyndi Gilbert Michelle Cohen

Naturopathic doctors: Underutilized partners in public health and primary care

Naturopathic doctors (NDs) have an important role to play in the health-care system. We need a pilot project to assess the viability of ND integration into team-based primary care models.

by Nickrooz Grami

Do doctors know enough about the commercial determinants of health?

Private sector activities have a real impact on people's health. We need to promote healthy cross-industry regulation and scrutinize the role that private interests play in the health-policy arena to help safeguard the health of patients.

by Savannah Verhage Jason M. Lo Hog Tian Peter Zhang

Untapped potential: Young leaders have the tools to help address health-care challenges

Global health solutions require creativity, innovation and novel thinking. It is imperative for governments and educators to recognize young leaders and their ideas.

by John Van Aerde

We must change our mindset about our health-care system

No system, public or private, can cover all the health needs and wants of every person all the time. It's time for difficult conversations about our health-care system.

by Alykhan Abdulla

Will we let the fires of 2023 keep burning?

In our safe country, we “react” to disasters like the forest fires or flooding with exorbitant efforts and resources after the crises. But we also lose track of key commitments to civil society and human progress.

by Kathleen Ross

We need to talk about public and private health care in Canada

With the system under significant strain, we have to re-examine how we fund and deliver health-care services. What this means for Canada's public health-care system is yet to be seen.

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