Policy and Politics

1129 articles:
by Allison Dunning

‘Thank you for sharing. Do you have a plan?’ Outdated policies preventing peer supporters from saving lives

Peer supporters are ready and able to support people with experiences relating to death and dying – we just need organizational policies to get with the times.

by Makini McGuire-Brown

Sidelined and underutilized: Red tape, finances discouraging thousands of internationally trained nurses already here

Ontario needs to hire 24,000 nurses to meet the national average. Internationally-educated nurses that are already in the province could help fill this gap.

by Gary Bloch

Disability and poverty: Funding and structure of new federal benefit unacceptable

The amount being offered to some people with disabilities, $200 per month, is a drop in the bucket in a time of high inflation, rising rents and significant added costs to living with a disability.

by Sarah Main Jenson Price Alixe Ménard Jhnelle McLaren-Beato Larry W. Chambers

Clarity, compassion and dignity: Communicating a dementia diagnosis effectively

Health-care providers often face challenges in communicating dementia diagnoses, as it involves navigating complex emotional and practical considerations. The toolkit can help.

by Alykhan Abdulla

May 1 is Doctors’ Day. My thanks go to patients, students and physician colleagues

Doctors’ Day (May 1) is really about all those in medicine working together to make our health-care system better for all. We just need politicians and policy makers to step out of the way.

by Maddi Dellplain

The toxic standards that have shaped coverage of drug use in Canada

While a health crisis has unfolded, newsrooms have had to learn to do better. But the changes in framing haven’t always come fast enough or extended to the workers with lived experience

by Lucie Langford Braden O’Neill

How to make the most of your virtual mental health care appointment

With profound shifts in how mental health care is delivered, and a clear interest in the continued use of virtual care, a few simple recommendations can help everyone have a better experience in our “new normal.”

by Margaret McGregor Amira Aker Ulrike Meyer Élyse Caron-Beaudoin

Research on the health harms of fracking questions expansion of this industry

With two more natural gas facilities scheduled to come on line in the next two years in B.C., it's time we consider the harms that fracking poses to public health.

by Joe Vipond

Droplet or airborne? WHO says it’s ‘through the air’ 

The WHO is slowly moving forward on airborne transmission. But language changes seem forced, unnecessary and only seem to benefit those who were unable to use the word "airborne" early in the pandemic.

by Douglas Woodhouse

Is triage a dead end for health care? 

Under pressure, our health-care system is increasingly turning to triage. But has this ubiquitous response started causing more harm than good?

by Karine Diedrich

If not you, who will make your medical decisions?

Imagine finding yourself in a medical emergency, unconscious and unable to communicate. Who then becomes your voice in this complex web of health-care decisions?

by Adamo Anthony Donovan

Cycling and safer roads: Improving public health through urban planning

Urban infrastructure has a significant impact on road incident fatalities. Health-care institutions have the ability to help curtail these deaths and improve public health.

by Kian Rego Alexandra Binnie Fatima Sheikh Jennifer Tsang

Why every Canadian hospital should be a ‘research’ hospital

By embedding research into clinical practice we can achieve a “learning health system” and advance quality health care for all Canadians.

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