550 articles:
by Elke Sorensen

Finding comfort in doing the right thing

Throughout the pandemic, I’ve learned that people have the capacity to be so incredibly selfish to the point where they are willing to endanger other people’s lives.

by Hannah Baillie

Our duty to serve

These bumps along the road. These trials life has showed. They’ve made me who I am. They were all part of the plan.

by Juliana Domodossola

Five Things About Post Pandemic Me

It’s a funny thing that even though I spent two years meeting on Zoom somehow, it led me to feel much more confident working in groups.

by Justin Langan

I Am From

I am from the town and valley called Swan River. From the vast prairie wheatfields and the dark and desolate winters.

by K.H Anjaan

Remnants of a Pandemic and the Unbalanced Accounts

The pandemic became the kind of time bomb that would tingle on the synapses of our sanity, with the promise that it would explode but never would.

by Laura Sofia Mosquerra Pava

A cruel loop

Tugging on nostalgia, painfully preserving the present and gatekeeping the future.

by Nazneen

The importance of caring for others

When I first heard about COVID-19 I was in fourth grade, and it was a month before March break.

by Ris V. Rose


This isn’t what I meant when I said I wanted to go home. This isn’t what I meant when I said there was too much talking, too much grouping.

by Allison Abo

Fractured Hope

There are so many ways in which people have tried to summarize the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in one sentence that I don’t even know how to start.

by Amira Mohamed

Is everyone against me?

I have this recurring dream. I wake up on a hill, and the only thing I can see is this apple tree.

by Ananya Rakshit Akruwala

My story about COVID-19

Although experiences with the pandemic vary, they all stem from the same root circumstances: fear, distortion, paranoia generated worldwide and isolation.

by Carmen Peng

Learning about myself

It was very hard to concentrate on school during the pandemic because school was shortened, and I could go to class either on the bed or on the beach.

by Courtney Noseworthy

Be grateful you’re alive, they say

We are all human and this pandemic hurt us all in different ways. Be kind to all!

by Tasha Lee

I’ve Been Graduating

The degree I earned was in Cinema Studies and I thought it was apt that instead of having people walk across the stage, our names scrolled down a screen.

We need support to get back on track

School represents more than just academics for children and youth. For many, school and its in-person interactions and activities form the cornerstone of their lives.

by Aikam Kanwar

Unsafe, hopeless, scared and angry

I had experienced mixed emotions during the pandemic, when everything was shut down and there was nowhere to go. I had the feeling that someone was controlling since they would not allow me escape from the situation I was stuck in.

The tide shall rise again

we rode the tide till it left nothing but our bodies sprawled against grains of silt cherished the momentary breeze that would come along in an attempt to take us further we didn’t know what was to come next

Surprise COVID baby

COVID came to us in 2020. 2 years later in isolation. A whole lot of love and a baby! Turing 25 with a 2-month-old

by Amir Said

Pandemic Positivity

However, it turned out that things weren’t as bad as I thought. I met so many wonderful people and had so many wonderful interactions during the pandemic.

by Anisha Dhillon

Making the best of a bad situation

As someone who is always on the go, lockdowns allowed for me to slow down after spending years working hard at a degree and find new hobbies

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